Demo: Provision K8S cluster on PBOS using pulumi
This is the demo of Provisioning K8S Cluster on PBOS platform using Pulumi.
PBOS is an ansible playbook suite to install OpenStack on Baremetal. PBOS stands for Pure Baremetal OpenStack.
Pulumi is an IaC tool.
Demo: PBOS Installation
PBOS is an ansible playbook suite to install OpenStack on Baremetal. PBOS stands for Pure Baremetal OpenStack.
There are 1 playbook and 16 roles in PBOS.
PBOS has 3 groups.
- pbos-infra: HA and infrastructure related components
- pbos-storage: Backend Storage (It supports Ceph and LVM/iSCSI)
- openstack: OpenStack components
OkiDoki - VM High Availability for OpenStack
OkiDoki is a project to achieve VM High Availability for OpenStack platform.
It uses Masakari, Corosync, and Pacemaker.
Masakari: provides Instances High Availability Service for OpenStack
- recover KVM-based Virtual Machine(VM)s from failure events
- an API service to manage and control the automated rescue mechanism
Cluster stack: Corosync, Pacemaker, Pacemaker-remote for HA
- Corosync: cluster engine
- Pacemaker: resource manager
- Pacemaker-remote: lightweight resource manager for scalability. (corosync/pacemaker cluster has a limit of 16 nodes.)
Sparring - a test robot suite for OpenStack platform
Sparring is a test robot suite for OpenStack platform.
There are 3 robots for now.
- funcbot: a functional test robot for openstack
- perfbot: a performance test robot for openstack
- cdbot: a continuous deployment test robot for openstack API services
쿠버네티스 컨테이너 인터페이스 식별하는 방법
쿠버네티스 환경에서 특정 컨테이너의 인터페이스를 모니터할 일이 생겼는데,
해당 컨테이너 인터페이스의 pair가 어떤건지 식별하는 방법을 모르겠어서 이곳에 기록하고 공유한다.